Message from the Principal
Welcome to our website. We hope that you will get a flavour of life in our school as you travel through the pages. Since we opened in 2014 we have grown each year with our Junior Infant intake and as of 2021 we have all classes from Junior Infants to Sixth Class.
We follow the national Primary School Curriculum as laid down by the Department of Education and Skills.
We provide a stimulating and challenging educational environment, where the emphasis in every area of the curriculum is on discovery, analysis, expression, and in ensuring that each of our pupils reaches his or her full potential. Subjects which, at Primary level are frequently integrated, are: Literacy (English and Irish); Numeracy; Arts Education (Art, Music, Drama); Social, Environmental and Scientific Education (S.E.S.E.); Physical Education (P.E.); and Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.) including the Stay Safe Programme.
We are a school under Educate Together patronage, and as such we are an equality based, child centred, co-educational, democratically run school. We follow the Learn Together Programme which you can read more about on our Ethos page.
We have many projects running in the school. You can check them out in the Initiative section. In the News and Events section you will be able to keep up to speed with everything that is going on in the school. Each class has a page in the Classes section, giving you a chance to view the children's work and read their blog.
We hope you enjoy learning about our school.
Le gach dea ghuí,